7 Essential Tech Stack to Run Omnichannel ABM

With the world of digital marketing radically evolving, your marketing team cannot continue to rely on standard technology. This is especially true in the case of account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns. Instead of relying on marketing sources to generate leads, ABM strategy identifies and then targets best-fit accounts with the most revenue potential for your business. According to a study, 60% of companies that use an ABM program in their marketing report have at least a 10% increase in their sales every year.

7 Key Tech Stack to Run Omnichannel ABM

ABM is multichannel, so your marketing cannot be limited to just one source of data collection. Integrate ABM with other stacks to simplify your data collection process.  ABM can be leveraged with numerous technologies, and it’s up to you to decide what level and type of customization your ABM needs. Here are some key tech stacks to help tailor your account-based marketing strategy suggested by the digital marketing agency.

1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM technology manages all your company’s interactions and relationships with customers. When you integrate CRM with your account-based marketing campaign, you get detailed information about your customer journey and current customer engagement.

This enables you to focus on personalized customer services throughout your business cycle with them. You can even add customer information from their social media activity, likes, and feedback about your competitors.

2. Intent Data Provider

Your audience needs to be interested in your product to make them your customer. Intent data captures the online behavior of your prospects and provides signals that help you create a lead score of intention to buy.

There are two types of intent data: first party and third party. First-party intent data is all the information obtained from your internal resources, such as user interaction on your website. Third-party data is comprehensive information about your user’s B2B activities outside your platform. These forms of intent data help you filter out individuals who can become your leads and exclude people who are not interested in your products.

3. Visitor Intelligence Software

A good visitor intelligence software can turn your visitors into leads by tracking their digital footprints. Integrating visitor intelligence into your account-based marketing tactics can give you an in-depth analysis of who is visiting your platform, how often they visit, how long they spend on a particular page, and their touchpoints. This can help you form a targeted campaign to hook your customers and build your ROI.

4. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation and ABM go hand-in-hand. Marketing automation essentially means automating repetitive tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and ad campaigns. With the results of automated marketing, you can engage customers with personalized workflows, thus building their loyalty. If the sequence and delivery of your content are automated to provide an engaging and personalized experience, you can focus your energy on growth marketing by designing and conducting experiments to optimize customer engagement. Nick Edouard gives us a better idea of why content marketing is essential for your marketing strategy.

“Marketers all agree that account-based marketing is the inevitable evolution of demand generation but many struggle to scale ABM efforts. Most marketing teams lack the resources to create the type of focused micro-campaigns that a successful ABM strategy requires. Content marketing automation makes developing highly scalable, customized target account campaigns more accessible and provides new insight into the engagement, intent, and sales-readiness of target buyers.”

– Nick Edouard, Co-Founder, President, and CMO, LookBookHQ (source)

5. Analytics Platform

Strategically, an analytics platform can maximize the impact of analytics initiatives by collecting page views, bounce rates, and average session duration. With this data, you can track customer engagement and create a focused marketing strategy to improve customer engagement on your site.

An analytics platform like Google Analytics supports data blending, so you combine data across multiple sources and develop targeted marketing campaigns based on this data.

6. Content Enablement

Personalized content utilizes specific information about consumers to create a distinct, unique experience between an individual and your brand. Integrating content enablement into your account-based marketing services can customize your content and landing pages based on what connects your audience to your products.

You can do this by analyzing data about visitors to your site or social media, such as keyword searches, buying history, and other associated information like age, location, and gender. With this strategy, you can deliver personalized content to your customers and increase their engagement.

7. Data Visualization

Your campaign performance is an essential metric that will set the tone for your future campaigns. With data visualization, you can get images, charts, and other information related to your campaign that presents a clear picture to all concerned parties about the success rate of your campaign. Google Data Studio, for instance, lets you convert data into customizable informative reports and dashboards, enabling you to view and save data in easy-to-read formats.


With a successful ABM strategy, you need a set of key technologies that can execute programs across the funnel. Serving your B2B customers with the proper service advised by the experts of B2B marketing agency in India to gain a high ROI and generate great revenue requires the right set of tools and technology. Adding these technologies to your account-based marketing platform will facilitate scalability and create competitive advantages for your business.

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