“Boruto: Naruto Next Generation” is written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. This is a Japanese manga series, serialized monthly in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump, in May 2016. Later in July 2019, it was transferred to Shueisha’s monthly magazine, V Jump.
‘Kishimoto’ got the proposal from ‘Shueisha’ to make the sequel of “Boruto” to ‘Naruto’. But, ‘Kishimoto’ rejected this offer and proposed his former assistant ‘Mikio Ikemoto’ to draw it. This is one of the long-running anime adaptations of manga series, animated by Pierrot.
Latest discussions about Boruto Episode 211
Here we will be seeing that the new title of Boruto Episode 211 is ‘The Chase’. The episode starts with Chou-Chou, Shikadai, and Inojin talking about a sketchy man. The trailer also shows Chou-Chou and her friends bumping into Kakashi. They all might be getting teamed up for catching the culprit.
What is the release date of Boruto Episode 211 and its timing along with its preview
The set date of release of episode 211 is 15th August 2021, Sunday. The free release of episode 211 is on 22nd August 2021. The release time of episode 211 is 5:30 p. m. JST. And The time can vary in different zones.
- PT- 2:00AM
- EST- 5:00AM
- BST- 10:00AM
- CT- 4:00AM
- IT- 2:20PM
- AT- 6:30 PM
- PT- 2:00PM
Where to watch Boruto Episode 211 with English subtitles??
Online you can watch episode 211 on Funimation and Crunchyroll. And those who are in Australia and New Zealand can watch it on AnimeLab. You can watch an English dubbed version on Funimation with original Japanese audio with English subtitles.
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