Digimon Adventure is a 2020 released anime television series, which is a reboot of the 1999 anime series possessing the same name. It is the eighth rendition in the Digimon anime franchise. The series premiered on April 5, 2020, on Fuji TV and currently boasts a total of 60 released episodes.
Shortly after the series’ commencement, new releases were put on hold from April 19, 2020 onwards owing to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, following which the series resumed on April 28 of the same year with Episode 4. With Episode 61 right around the corner, fans are anticipating the knowledge regarding its release date.
Digimon Adventure Episode 61: Premise
The series is set in the year 2020, wherein a series of cyberattacks across Tokyo have resulted in catastrophes in the Digital World – a world within the internet where creatures called Digimon reside. Taichi Yagami is transported to this world along with six other children, where each of them is assigned a Digimon partner and it is revealed to them that they were chosen to stop an army of evil Digimon from resurrecting Milleniumon, an ancient evil. What transpires ahead forms the remainder of the storyline.
Digimon Adventure Episode 61: Release Date and Where to Watch
Episode 61 of the series, titled A Place to Return To, is scheduled to release this coming Sunday, August 15, 2020, keeping in tune with the series’ pattern of releasing an episode each week. Fans who wish to watch the episode or the series can choose to do so when it airs on television, or alternatively, they can stream it from subscription-based websites such as Crunchyroll.
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