Hunter x Hunter is a classic and a very popular manga anime series originally created and published in Weekly Shonen Jump 1998 illustrated by very talented Yoshihiro Togashi. The manga has made also been made into a television anime series by Madhouse which has 6 seasons and a total of 148 episodes and it was dubbed in English as well.
The plot is that the protagonist Gon Freecss who’s on a journey to train himself to become a Hunter it takes a lot of perseverance and rigorous practice, through his journey he finds out that his father who left him when he was young is also actually a prominent Hunter, a licensed professional and he left him to pursue his dreams.
The show became a huge success and had over 78 million copies in circulation as of November 2019. After Season 6 fans were anticipated for Season 7 news but unfortunately it seems a little impossible now.
The creators haven’t released any news for the next season of the series and moreover, the more dishearting news is that the writer Togashi isn’t doing well, he’s suffering from some mental issues and the work pressure isn’t doing well for him so he’s taking some time off from writing.
But he has promised that as soon as he recovers he’ll be continuing with the writing of the manga. The previous release isn’t enough for the release of Season 7 so the material for Season 7 is still pending and there’s no proper estimation as to how much will it take.
The writer is although determined to release cause he doesn’t want to disappoint his fans but mental health is more important and fans do get that. No confirmation on the Season 7 release but fans shouldn’t lose hope.
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