Departure – A drama series enriched with mystery and created by Vince Shiao. The entire series follows Kendra Malley, a very talented investigator and a single mother who deals with pretty tough disaster investigations and can uncover all sorts of truth over every odd. This International series consists of thriller, drama, mystery, and suspense and has achieved immense positive responses from viewers. Viewers have already witnessed its two seasons on Peacock TV, whose initial premiere was in July 2019. Audiences could witness Departure season 3 after the conclusive ending of season 2. So, tighten your seat belt to know Departure season 3.
Is’ Departure season 3” getting a renewal?
Though there is no official announcement related to the show’s renewal, there are chances that it will come back for season 3. The show’s power back action and suspense, along with a mighty cast, have earned it immense fame and many followers. The show’s fame or success could be seen in audience ratings and critical reviews, which strongly adds to its return. Moreover, it takes almost one year from renewal to season streaming. So, if the show got its renewal in 2022, viewers could expect Departure season 3 in 2023.
The cast of Departure season 3
The popular show depends on a strong cast while rotating actors every season. The majority of main cast members will surely come back in season 3 – Archie Panjabi as investigator Kendra Malley; without her, the show is incomplete. Other members, including – Kris Holden Reid (Dom Hayes), Kelly McCormack (Charlotte), Mark Rendall (Theo), and Karen LeBlanc (Ellen Hunter), could make a comeback in season 3.
What to expect from Departure season 3?
Every season, the popular show’s format gets more unique and involves several disaster investigations. Kendra joins up the investigation team and offers a helping hand with the sudden disappearance of flight BGA 716 during season 1. In the second season, another disaster indulged her into another investigation; in this season, a high-speed train crash occurs on the route. The overall plot is enriched with political situations and conspiracy during both seasons, and this tone and mood would be like this only in season 3. But, if season 3 got renewed, Kendra might decide to stay in the US only, which could change the squad’s equations.