Demon Slayer, known formally as Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is an anime series, that relies on the manga series of the same name as its source material. Compared to most anime currently, which are released online, Demon Slayer was a television release that ran for a single season, premiering on April 6, 2019, and running till September 28, 2019, spanning a total of 26 episodes.
The series was helmed by Haruo Sotozaki as director, with Hikaru Kondo, Akifumi Fujio, Masanori Miyake, and Yūma Takahashi jointly undertaking the onus of production. The writing for the show was done by multiple staff members of Ufotable, the animation studio, with the music composition receiving contributions from Yuki Kajiura and Go Shiina.
Demon Slayer Season 2 : Plot
Tanjiro then sets out on a quest for revenge after his encounter with a demon slayer by the name of Giyū Tomioka, post which he gets sent to Sakonji Urokodaki, a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, to be trained. Thus begins his path to revenge and salvaging the true identity of his sister.
What’s The Latest Update on Demon Slayer Season 2 ?
On July 21, 2021, there was a sudden rush of excitement for fans of the series, as Aniplex announced a second season of the series was underway. They released a few visuals from the second season of the show in the form of a video. A few weeks prior, they also released a trailer for the second season, and the excitement this created was only fuelled by the recent visual trailer which was released on July 21.
Fans are now in eager anticipation to know a release date for the new season, and while there is yet to be some official confirmation on this front, forecasts are expecting the new season to be released sometime within the ongoing year itself, which means fans would not have to wait too long to witness the rush of emotions that the first season gave them.
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