“Grand Theft Auto 5” or “GTA5” is an action game developed and published by Rockstar Games in 2013. The series of “Grand Theft Auto” was released in 1997. The story of this single player game is based upon three protagonist and their efforts to commit heist and many missions involving shooting and game play.
Grand Theft Auto 5 is played from either third person or first person perspective. Player can navigate by foot or by vehicle. Players control the three main protagonists in single-player mode and switch among them whether they are in a mission or not. With the help of cheat codes, player survive and continue the game without much struggle.
Cheat Code for GTA V ps4 Helicopter
GTA series is based mostly on completing missions given to the player. And cheat codes helps a player to complete the missions in an easiest way. GTA V provides player with cheat codes for various things for mission and for normal roaming. Cheats for invincibility, health and armour, weapons, wanted level, speed, parachute etc. are available.Cheat Code for helicopter
O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, O, Triangle
Using this cheat code will get a helicopter on the location.
Use Of Helicopter
In this game, to complete a mission, player needs to go from Point A to Point B. And the completion of mission based on the vehicle player chooses to reach from one point to another. It’s better to take helicopter and skydive into the location. Helicopter is much easier to handle than a Jet. Helicopter is fast mode of transportation, helps player to complete the mission on time. It fitted with two Miniguns and missiles. Buzzard helicopter is extremely dangerous aircraft in GTA V.
How To Enter Cheat Code In PS4
Follow the button prompts given in the tables on controller or press ‘Up’ to bring up the cell phone and call the given number.
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