Chainsaw Man is a Japanese Manga written and Illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. If you want to read the manga online you can read it on If you want a short video on it it’s below.
Chainsaw Man Volume 9 Cast And Plot
The Characters of the manga series are below.
- Denji-A young man with blond hair, Yellow-brown eyes and sharp teeth.
- Makima-mysterious women serving as head of public safety division 4.
- Aki Hayakawa-Public safety devil hunter working under Makima’s squad.
- Power-he is also a public safety devil hunter under Makima’s squad.
- Kishebe-strongest hunter in the organisation.
- Himeno-Aki’s first partner.
- Kobeni Higashiyama-young women with an unnamed contract.
- Angel Devil.
- Beam.
- Santa Claus.
- Pochita.
- Darkness Devil.
There are many devils hybrids and public sector evil hunters and private sector devil hunters. You will love to see them this is also a unique manga series. The story of Chainsaw Man Volume 9 goes like The battle against the Gun Devil closed Aki as expected to be very much shivering with fear. the question is has he found something important then his revenge. As is known that the devil shows him the vision of the future. What is the true meaning behind that vision and will it change the course of the story and mindset of Aki. You will find out that when the manga’s Vol 9 comes out on 1st February 2022.
Volume 10 Spoilers
*spoiler alert do not read this part if you haven’t read Chainsaw Man Volume 9 already. Vol 10 indicates that Denji has indeed killed a friend which he has been forced to do it and due to this he is in a lot of despair and his brain has started to boil up with this. This leads him to feel that he cannot continue his journey so he seeks the help of Makima but what it seems is makima is not what he is expecting to do for him so does that mean his pain is just beginning or there is some other way to find peace for him.
I guess we will find out when the volume release on 5Th April 2022 after Chainsaw Man Volume 9release on 1st Feb 2022. Till then see ya happy reading.
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