Boruto: Naruto Next Generation is a Japanese Manga series showcasing the next phase of Naruto’s first-born child. Boruto is all set to follow his father’s footprints to become the greatest ninja world might have. He starts his journey along with his friends discovering various adventures throughout the path and determined to achieve an identity of his own.
Anime fans were not disappointed by the conclusion of Naruto Shippuden as immediately after the break of 33 days the manga makers presented the audience with the next sequel of the next generation. Young Boruto shares his father’s looks as well as aspirations to engrave his path.
Boruto Episode 208 Release Date
Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Episode 208 is just about to release in a few hours from now. The episode will be released on Sunday 18th July, scheduled for 6:00 pm according to the standard time of Japan. Followers are impatiently waiting for the upcoming episode to be titled Momoshiki’s Manifestation.
In the upcoming episode, viewers will witness the sudden rise of Momoshiki’s Manifestation inside Boruto. The unexpected revival of Momoshiki will change the circumstances of the battle between Boro and the New Seventh Group. Boruto in his new form will become strong and substantial. The trailer for the episode and synopsis is already released.
Spoiler Alert For Episode 208
In the previous episode, the minacious and uncertain battle between Boro and team Seven was appearing indestructible and resilient. Even with the coordinated efforts of Boruto, Mitsuki, Kawaki, and Sarada, the regenerative powers of Boro made him undamaged.
In Episode 208 Bolts will face life-threatening danger from Boro who will become uncontrollable. Boruto will faint after the attack of Boro, and something would take over his consciousness. It would be Momoshiki presenting his immense powers by controlling Boruto leaving Mitsuki, Kawaki, and Sarada into huge shock.
Team Seven will successfully manage to rescue Naruto and bring him back to Konohagakure after the deadly battle. However, Boruto has no memory of the fatal incident, others would be worried about the event that happened with him during battle.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generation episodes are simultaneously uploaded and could be streamed on both websites of Funimation and Crunchyroll. Funimation releases the series in English dubbed version whereas Crunchyroll presents live stream anime in Japanese with English subtitles.
Stay Tuned with EveDonus Films for more updates.