Blue Exorcist is a manga series that originated with its first release in April of 2009. The manga has been in circulation ever since and appears in Shueisha’s Jump Square magazine. The manga comprises 132 volumes thus far spread across 27 volumes, and lays out its plot in accordance with the dark fantasy genre, also containing traces of adventure.
The series has been written and illustrated by Kazue Kato. It has been subject to positive reception from its readers, and the anime adaptation of its plotline further boosted its exposure and reach. Of late, there has been a lot of speculation regarding the release of Chapter 133 of the manga. Here’s what is known so far.
Setting and Premise
The setting of the manga’s plotline presents two dimensions: Assiah and Gehenna, the former being the dwelling place of humans and the latter being the world of demons, which is ruled by Satan. The storyline progression of the series pits the humans, specifically Exorcists, against the demons, depicting the rivalry between them through the eyes of its protagonist, Rin Okumura.
Rin and his twin Yukio Okumura are both sons to Shiro Fujimoto, who happens to be an Exorcist. However, one day it is revealed to Rin that Shiro is just their guardian and that in reality he and his brother are the sons of Satan. After Shiro sacrifices himself to save them, Rin learns of his demonic powers and joins the True Cross Academy in order to become an Exorcist like his father and defeat Satan.
When Will the Next Chapter Be Released?
As mentioned previously, there are currently 132 volumes of the manga that have been released, both as publications and digital copies. A few months ago, the series was announced to be on a hiatus, as the writer wanted to take a break and focus on some of her other works. This hiatus has stretched on longer than expected, and the tentative date for when the next chapter would release is being cited as April 2022.
Unfortunately, fans of the series would have to wait for a considerably long period of around 7-8 months at the least, in order to witness the release of the next chapter. The writer is currently working on her illustrations for Strange Tales from the Handy Shop Karukaya which is being authored by Fuyumi Ono, and forecasts suggest that she would get back to writing Blue Exorcist after the completion of the said project. Whether or not these forecasts take shape is something that only time will tell.
Where Can One Read the Manga?
Apart from its physical publications, the manga series is available for readers online, on both paid and free basis. Some sites which readers can use in order to gain access to the digital copies of Blue Exorcist are Viz Media and Manga Plus by Shueisha. There are multiple other websites that readers can use, but the safety and legitimacy of most such websites are debatable.
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