Fantasy Island is created by Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain and is an American fantasy drama television series. This series is a sequel to the original series The Fantasy Island which was first published from 1977 to 1984 on ABC and was created by Gene Levitt. The running time for each of the episodes is 45-47 minutes, with an overall 7 seasons.
The Synopsis, cast and crew of Fantasy Island Season 1 Episode 6
This story if of two real brother and sister who tries to reunite their parents. The series is directing by Anne Clements, Elizabeth Craft, Adam Kane, and Sarah Fain. The main characters of this amazing series are Roselyn Sanchez and Kiara Barnes, and the guest characters are Bellamy Young, Odette Annable, Dave Annable, Laura Leighton, Josie Bissett, Daphne Zuniga, and Leslie Jordan.
Release Date and where Fantasy Island Season 1 Episode 6 is streaming?
After the release of only a few episodes, this series is again winning the audience’s hearts and now the fans are eagerly waiting for the new episode i.e. episode 6 to get released.
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Episode 6 of season 1 of Fantasy Island can be watched on Fox, as from starting this series is publishing for Fox. And also the confirmed release date has been revealed of episode 6 and is releasing on 12th September 2021, Sunday. Only 4 days have left for ending up your countdown.
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