Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor is a magical, superpower action fantasy anime, adapted from light novel and manga series of the same name. Written by Tarō Hitsuji, the light novel series has been airing since July 19, 2014. The first season of the series was directed by Minato Kazuto and produced by Shintaro Yoshitake, Noritomo Isogai, Keisuke Arai, and Takayuki Takagi. The anime series was written by Toko Machida. It had twelve episodes with were aired from April 4, 2017 to June 20, 2017.
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Season 1 : Recap
The anime is about a new music instructor in the school who is taken to be incompetent, lazy, irresponsible, and barely functional. Sistine Fibel and her best friend Rumia Tingel are highly aspiring music students who are disappointed by the new instructor’s work approach. What nobody knows is that the new instructor is one of his kind, carries special powers and is of high caliber, however he is held down by his depression. The story further follows the character development of all the characters who overcome their challenges to prove themselves.
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Season 2 Series renewed ?
Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor Season 2 might make a comeback soon. Whats giving us a hope for the second season is the on going light novel and manga series. These two are in constant production, and due to same, much more material has been produced for the next season of the anime series. However, disheartening for fans, no official announcement has been made yet. If the series is renewed for the next season, we are assuming that it would follow the path of the manga only, taking the story forward.
No matter how long it has been since the last episode was aired- almost four years in this case- the love for the series never diminishes, and they are eagerly waiting for season 2 now.
Authentic knowledge of the music in the series has been an inviting factor for the singing audience as well. The show was appraised for its authentic and quality plot line. The trailer of the series can give an insight into the series, you can watch it here:
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