After Effects of Delta 8: 5 to Be Aware Of

Cannabis has been used for hundreds of years to treat or manage various medical ailments. However, it appears there’s a lot we’re yet to know about this plant. The existing body of research might have simply scratched the surface. If you like this article you might be interested in learning more about organic cannabis too.

One aspect of marijuana that isn’t fully understood is the number and properties of the plant’s cannabinoids – the specific compounds responsible for its medicinal effects. Although researchers have uncovered over 120 cannabinoids in weed, studies have focused on only a handful of those compounds. 

Delta 8 is one of the lesser-known cannabinoids. Interestingly, the popularity of this compound has been on a steady incline in the recent past, and understandably so. Most cannabis users laud delta 8 for its milder therapeutic and psychoactive effects. 

But as with any cannabinoid, there are specific side effects to watch out for when using delta 8. This article delves deeper into the top five after-effects of delta 8.

More About Delta 8?

As we’ve just pointed out, cannabis produces at least 100 officially identified cannabinoids, but only a few of those compounds have been widely studied. The most popular cannabinoids in marijuana include cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

Both CBD and THC boast immense health benefits. The compounds are commonly prescribed individually or collectively for pain relief. They may also help to treat stress and anxiety, nausea and appetite loss, sleep disorders, inflammatory conditions, erectile dysfunction (ED), and a host of other medical conditions. 

However, while both cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol offer numerous health benefits, these compounds impact the body differently. CBD is most noted for its non-psychoactive nature, whereas THC has plenty of mind-altering effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol is what comes to mind when you think of marijuana ‘high.’ 

But as you shall find, THC’s psychoactive effects differ in intensity depending on various aspects. Some of these factors include dosage, potency, and isomers. 

THC produces several isomers. The most popular one is delta-9 THC. Other lesser-known THC isomers include THC-O, delta-10 THC, and delta-8 THC. 

Since tetrahydrocannabinol boasts psychoactive properties, it goes that all THC isomers will get you high. However, delta-8 THC produces mellower effects than its more famous cousin, delta-9. That’s the main reason behind the compound’s rising popularity. 

However, it’s essential to invest in premium-quality, organic delta 8 THC to enjoy the compound’s therapeutic and recreational benefits. Organic delta 8 refers to delta-8 products made from cannabis plants grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides.

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Top 5 After-effects of Delta-8 THC


Hallucinating is one of the common side effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, including its isomers like delta-8 THC. Hallucinations generally manifest as a distortion of the senses. You may find yourself jamming to non-existent music or hearing raindrops pattering against your window despite there being no rain at all. You could also see non-existent images of people and colors while hallucinating. Besides, you could become disoriented in time and space. 

Delta-8 induces mind-altering effects because the compound acts on a group of receptors expressed in and around the brain, known as CB1 receptors. However, the psychedelic effects of delta-8 are milder and more tolerable than those of delta-9.

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Anxiety is one of the numerous medical conditions you can treat using delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol. But it’s also one of the side effects the compound can trigger. Delta-8-induced anxiety typically presents as irritability or jitteriness. Some people may also experience inexplicable mood swings. 

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the amount consumed. That’s one reason to keep your delta-8 doses low. 

Dry Mouth

The main reason dermatological experts recommend certain cannabinoids like cannabidiol is that these compounds can promote skin rehydration. Unfortunately, delta-8 and other THC-based compounds are an exception. 

Studies have shown that tetrahydrocannabinol binds to endocannabinoid receptors on the salivary glands in a manner that reduces saliva production while promoting saliva viscosity. The net result is dry mouth. One way to avoid this delta-8 side effect is by increasing your water intake. You might also consider alternative delivery methods besides sublingual administration.

Dry Eyes

A dry mouth isn’t the only symptom of dehydration. Inadequate water in your system could also cause your eyes to dry up. 

Diminished tearing and eye fatigue are the obvious signs of eye dryness. Some people may also experience a level of strain and discomfort wildly while blinking. Fortunately, your eyes will only remain dry as long as delta-8 is in your system. The feeling will immediately disappear as soon as the compound’s impact wears off. And just like in the dry mouth, you can increase water intake to mitigate the effects of delta-8-induced dry eyes.

Bloodshot Eyes

Tetrahydrocannabinol is a potent vasodilator. When consumed, the compound may help to dilate narrowed blood vessels, thereby enhancing blood circulation. 

However, THC’s vasodilatory effects can also have their dark side. Excess vasodilation might trigger a rush of blood flowing through your eyes while causing a reduction in blood pressure. That’s what results in bloodshot eyes. In addition to the physical symptoms of bloody arteries, bloodshot eyes may also cause eye fatigue and dizziness. The best way to avoid suffering bloodshot eyes from THC compounds like delta-8 is by consuming the compound in moderation.

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Final Word

All marijuana cannabinoids can induce side effects, and delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol is not an exception. However, delta-8’s adverse effects are way less severe than those of other cannabinoids, particularly its closer cousin – delta-9 THC. Even so, it’s essential to consume the compound in moderation.

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