Scroll down the article to find the complete list of five letter words beginning with Ho as well as their definitions.
Are you also a fan of Wordle? Wordle and attempt to find the solution to your every day problems? It is also possible to get caught in tricky situations in which you need to locate the right word, but you are unsure of the correct one. If you are, then check out this article. This article will help you learn about the potential outcome of the wordle puzzle of today.
Five Letter Word beginning with Ho In this piece since Wordle is a hugely popular game played across countries such as Australia, India, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The Words include Ho at the beginning.
Below, we have listed words that begin by Ho from a large list. Take a look at the following five letter words that begin with Ho and understand their meanings.
- Hotel – A place which offers rooms and other services for an indefinite period.
- Horse – A domesticated four-legged animal that is able to run.
- Hover, which is floating on a surface.
- House is a building for residential use or an area where people can are able to stay.
Don’t forget to check out the listed Five Letter Words Beginning with Ho and their meanings.
- Horns are the sharp, hard object that is found on head of animals.
- Hoppy – dried out fruit which are used to make beer.
- Hooks are a curved piece of steel used for catching fish.
- Honey is a sticky, sweet liquid that is the product of groups out of bees.
- Hoser is a person who is ignorant or untrained.
- Holla is a tool to greet people or draw their interest.
- Hocks are a component of the ham or pork.
- Howls- The cry produced by animals like dogs or wolves during a situation of pain.
5 Letter Words Beginning with Ho A Few More Words
- Hooka is a traditional pipe that is used to smoke marijuana or tobacco.
- Hound is a specific breed of dog that is suited to hunting.
- Hongi – The gesture of greeting.
- Hoisting – using ropes to raise something.
- Hovel is a house that is that is in a poor state or too filthy to reside in.
- Homie – A neighbour, group, or gang member.
- Hoggs is a big, Hoggs weighing over (120 pounds).
- Hokes – to present an illusion of artefact.
- Honed is a rotating tool designed to increase the size of holes.
- We’ve provided a few additional five letter words that begin with Ho below.
- Hodad is when a man typically poses as the surfer.
- Holms is a river that includes an island.
- Hoagy – Submarine sandwich.
A few of the words listed earlier aren’t commonly used, but they could be considered a solution to playing the Wordle game.
We’ve included all the above words in an extensive list. Consider these words and get the answers to this week’s Wordle game. In addition, you’ll build a strong vocabulary from these words.
Hope you have found your answer to the Five Letter Words Beginning with Ho.